Saturday, August 31, 2019

Frankenstein and Monster Essay

In the society we live in, it is apparent that we as humans have a sense of power over all other living species. We have the ability to house-train a cat, teach a dog to guide the blind, or kill a rabid animal if we feel threatened. It is our ability to think and act upon our thoughts after deliberation that allows to us to rein over the animal world. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Shelley examines how being human correlates directly with division of power in society by delineating the physical and emotional interactions between both Frankenstein and the monster throughout the novel. At the start of the book, Shelley depicts Doctor Victor Frankenstein as a human figure who is able to control his creation’s future. However, as time passes, Frankenstein becomes increasingly inhumane and his sanity is threatened along with his ability to dominate the monster’s life. As Frankenstein is losing his sense of humanity and control, the monster is gaining both. Though he starts off a powerless, unrefined brute, as the novel progresses the creature adopts a few human tendencies and gradually gains the ability to control his own creator’s future with his actions. Thus throughout the novel it becomes clear, when each character is in their most human state, they hold the most power over the other. During the two characters’ initial encounter with each other, Shelley depicts Frankenstein as having complete power over the monster’s future. The night Frankenstein â€Å"[beholds] the accomplishment of [his] toils† (43), he describes the moments leading up to the monster’s birth: â€Å"†¦ I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet† (43). This single line demonstrates the ultimate power Frankenstein has over his creation at that point in time. He alone has the ability to instill life into the inanimate creature lying before him. In addition, Frankenstein’s elevated cognitive capability, which he has because he is human, allows him to create the monster in the first place. His ability to read, understand, process, and apply knowledge he has learned in the past, as well his capacity to experience emotions such as desire and attachment puts him at a great advantage over the monster who, initially, could not â€Å"learn to distinguish between the operations of [his] various senses† (90). Because Frankenstein is human and has the power of knowledge, he is able to create the monster as well as decide whether it lives or not. Though he has the ability to bring his creature to life, Frankenstein’s unchallenged dominance over his creation is immediately threatened once the monster awakens. As soon as the creature opens his eyes, Frankenstein describes his feelings about the atrocious being. â€Å"I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body†(43), he recounts. This instant reaction of abhorrence to the newly living ‘thing’ demonstrates that the monster does have influence on Frankenstein’s emotions and, thus, a minor form of control over the doctor’s being. Though the monster begins to leave an imprint on Frankenstein, it is still evident that Frankenstein has a decisive role on how the monster grows and functions in the world. As the creator, Frankenstein is theoretically obliged to â€Å"owe [the monster] all the portion of happiness that [is] in [his] power to bestow† (135), but he does not fulfill that obligation. Instead, he begins his relationship with the brute with no affection. After dismissing the creature with absolute horror, Frankenstein flees his home trying â€Å"to avoid the wretch whom [he] fear[s] every turning of the street would present† (45). When he eventually returns home, his ‘apartment [is] empty and [his] bedroom [is] also freed from its hideous guest† (45). The actions Frankenstein takes by trying to stay away from his creation demonstrate the hate and lack of humanity he has for the creature. This directly influences the way the monster begins his life in the real world. Had Frankenstein taken care of his ‘child’, the monster may have become acclimatized with society instead of living as a â€Å"hideous monster† (131) or a â€Å"filthy mass that moved and talked† (136). After the monster is abandoned by his creator, he is left to fend for himself. As he adopts human tendencies such as learning to discern his emotions and developing the ability to speak the human language, French, he learns to live life on his own. Not only do the monster’s new-found emotions and ability to communicate make him capable of living alone, but the progression of his rational thinking process also demonstrates his humanness and competence. Before introducing himself to De Lacey’s family, he first thinks of the consequences of an illiterate, dumb monster. â€Å"Although I eagerly longed to discover myself to the cottagers, I ought not to make the attempt until I had first become a master of their language† (101), the monster recounts. This notion of a rational thinking process is unique to humans and necessary to a happy survival. The monster’s new found capabilities prove he can live without his creator and thus, while the monster gains control over his own life, Frankenstein further loses his ability to control the creature, as he is no longer needed for the monster to live. When the monster, fueled by his recently acquired ability to seek revenge, strangles William, Frankenstein’s sanity and humanity begins to crumble and his power over the monster disappears. Frankenstein’s controlled nature deteriorates when he has a gut feeling it is the monster who killed William rather than Justine, as â€Å"nothing in a human shape could have destroyed that fair child† (63). He cannot tell anyone the truth because no one else knows of Frankenstein’s experiment and he is afraid they will think him a mad man. This inability to share his thoughts and feelings causes him to go into a guilty frenzy because he blames the deaths on himself: â€Å"Thus spoke my prophetic soul, as, torn by remorse, horror and despair, I beheld those I loved spend vain sorrow upon the graves of William and Justine, the first hapless victims to my unhallowed arts† (119). This line captures the vulnerability Frankenstein experiences as well as the immense control the monster is gaining over Frankenstein’s emotions. By killing a single person, Shelley shows that the monster is able to distort both Frankenstein’s mental well-being and cause him to go into a mild, inhumane frenzy. As the story progresses, Shelley depicts the gradual deterioration of Frankenstein’s health and loss of power over his creation. The doctor loses complete influence over his monster after he refuses to make a female version of the brute. Before this point, Frankenstein still kept a sliver of control over the creature’s future because if he created the female, the monster would â€Å"go to the vast wilds of South America† and neither Frankenstein â€Å"nor any other human being shall see [them] again† (135). Once Frankenstein destroys his plans for the partner, however, the monster launches into a fit of rage: â€Å"Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master; obey!† (157). It is here that the monster’s fury fueled words illustrate the true nature of the relationship between the creature and his creator; that though Frankenstein initially had the ability to create the monster, the monster grew to be aware of his own superiority. He realized that his physical stature, along with his acquired human-like mental strength, allowed him to control both his own and Frankenstein’s ability to be happy and healthy. Once the monster takes away all of Frankenstein’s happiness by murdering the doctor’s loved ones, Frankenstein loses complete control over himself, becomes entirely inhumane, vowing to murder the monster. The doctor looses all sense of rational thinking and revenge is the only desire that keeps Frankenstein alive throughout the last pages of the novel. He â€Å"dared not die and leave his adversary in being† (192). This notion of solely living for another being establishes the fact that the monster does in fact have ultimate domination over all of his creator’s feelings and actions. As the monster, throughout the duration of the novel, has gained the ability to understand, process, and apply knowledge, he realizes he is the only aspect of his creator’s life that Frankenstein is living for. Thus, the monster has the option to keep Frankenstein alive by leaving a path of bread crumbs for his creator or to let him die with no trace of his creation. Hence, the novel comes full circle. At the start of the book, Frankenstein has the ultimate decision to give life to his creature or to leave him as a jumble of body parts. However by the end, the characters reverse the dominance in the relationship, and it becomes clear that the creature has the ability to keep his creator alive or leave him for death. By detailing the deterioration of Frankenstein’s humanity, while showing the monster’s acquisition of human characteristics, Shelley is able to demonstrate how being human allows for one to have power over another. Being able to rationally process and comprehend information, as well as reason with certain ideas, are unique qualities we as humans possess that put us at an advantage over other species and ultimately put the monster dominance over Frankenstein.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Historical Themes Schindler’s List Essay

Light can still be found even in the darkest of times; Oskar Schindler shows this through his actions during the Holocaust. In the novel Oskar Schindler’s portrayed his motives and ways one man can help thousands of the struggling Polish Jews. What he did absolutely contradict what his country and leader wanted; they were planning to eradicate all Jews from the face of the Earth. By using his factory as a place for the helpless Jews to work, he avoided thousands from being sent to the concentration camps where they would work as slaves and eventually die. At first Schindler liked the idea of Polish workers but after he found out what Hitler’s true intentions were he quickly felt remorse for them and determined himself to save as many as humanly possible. He began employing more and more Jews, he saved thousands of lives but ruined his business in doing so. Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally brilliantly portrayed the courage and human spirit in one man in the midst of terrible evil. Schindler proved the difference that one man can make by using his wit against the Nazis. Without the historical validity incorporated into the novel, the themes and overall story would not be up as great as it is already. Hitler’s Nazi regime ran a dictatorship with Adolf Hitler at the very head of the tyranny. Hitler’s master plan led to hopefully conquering the world and creates his version of society with perfect people and culture. Starting with the invasion of Poland he took Jews from their homes and forced them to do tedious work as slaves in concentration camps claiming that it was for their own protection. He tore families apart, and treated them with indignity in the camps by giving them very little food and forcing public nudity. Entire clans or families died at the order of the Nazis and no mercy could be seen from them as they killed the Jews in ways which would be seen as cruel and evil, even to humans. These events led to the deaths of six million Jewish citizens during World War II. Jews’ murders took place in many various ways; one way was in gas chambers disguised as showers. Corpses and left over residues burned in huge infernos that made it snow ashes of people. Human remains were also being used for the benefit of the Nazis; they used skin and lamp shades, hair as insulation, and skin also as a type of paper. Many Jewish families were desperate to not find themselves in the terrible camps that they did everything they could not to be captured and sent to their demise. Thomas Keneally describes the setting of Germany in the novel very accurately to the time period, and also the social status that some people had at the time. Germans lived being treated very normally by all soldiers of Hitler’s rule, but all others were treated as second class citizens or actually sub human. In the eyes of the Nazis Jews must be the lowest of the low to the, they were considered not as human but as some kind of sub species below all other humans. This aspect that was included in the novel is very true to history in Germany for 1943. Owning businesses or running one was against the law for any Jewish citizen. Many businesses burned down to the ground at the hand of the soldiers, ruining even wealthy land owners and workers. During World War II over six million Jews were killed by the Nazis and that is a fact included into the novel also. After the rest of European Jews heard about the genocide of Jews they and many others began hiding and helped hide people to avoid capture. People did everything to save themselves and others, some hid in the attics of Germans or in the barn of farmers. They started to become desperate to hide; Oskar Schindler used his very own factory where he produced pottery as a way to protect the Polish Jews. Oskar Schindler’s career led him to becoming a business man and entrepreneur in the pots and pans industry. His factory had become very successful because of the labor force provided by the Jews that were crowded into cities by the Nazis. In 1942 the Nazis really did begin to round up all the available Jews into ghettos or slums in the city to contain them like in the concentration camps. At the same time as Oskar Schindler a lady named Irena Sendler helped to save over two thousand Jewish children from the ghettos that the Nazis set up for them. . She and many others helped humanity by using their intellect, courage, and resources. If an event like this happened in any other time period it just would not be the same. Thomas Keneally’s Schindler’s List showed how one person can make a giant difference for many people. His novel’s historical aspects were accurate in most ways, it helped to enforce the themes in the story of the human spirit and one man can make a change. Throughout history it has been proven that if one person does one change it can help thousands of peoples’ lives forever. Adolf Hitler and his attempt to eradicate the Jewish population is the darkest time in history of humanity. But still, light can be found in the midst of total darkness and evil.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Banduras social learning theory Essay Example for Free

Banduras social learning theory Essay Learning theory (33) , Social learning theory (19) , Control theory (12) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Our study is based on the theory of operant conditioning and Bandura’s social learning theory. Operant conditioning states that learning happens through association, and we believe that car advertises are trying to make their target population associate buying their car with a desired characteristic/traits/lifestyles e.g. having a lot of female attention. Skinner described the ABC model of operant conditioning, which includes an antecedent, behaviour and a consequence. Bandura for his theory stated that learning can only occur if the four criteria (attention, retention, reproduction and motivation) were met. From looking at YouTube adverts we found that smaller cars had a tendency to have more feminine themes whereas larger cars tended to have more masculine themes.  Aim  To whether there is a difference between gender and the size of cars they drive.  Alternative Hypothesis:  Males will have a higher tendency to drive large cars while females will have a higher tendency to drive smaller cars  Null Hypothesis:  There will be no difference in gender and the size of the car they drive, and any difference will be due to chance. METHOD:  Design:  This is an independent group design and a quasi experiment as each participant can only be in either the male or the female category. We will gather our data by tallying, as our study will only include nominal data. This is useful as tallying is easy to analyse and draw up conclusions from. We are only looking at the gender of the driver and the type/size of their cars, so our data is quantitative. This is a non-participant naturalistic overt observation. Seeing as our results are nominal, this is an independent group design and the hypothesis predicts a difference. We will try our best to operationalise our variables by tallying the cars for the same period of time and by collecting data in different locations throughout Maidstone. Our IV will be the gender and how dependent variable (DV) will be the size of the cars. To make it easier to see the driver or the car, we will be collecting our data by a set of traffic lights, and tallying in the correct sections.  Participants  All of our participants will be over 17, as this is the legal minimum driving age. We will be using opportunity sampling as only those driving at the time of the study will take part in the study. Apparatus  Pen, paper and clipboard   Procedure  1. A table was draw up to collect results in (a copy can be found in appendix)  2. Researchers decided time and place of when they will be getting results  3. Researches went to location, stood by the nearest traffic light and collect results  4. Next lesson, the results were pooled  5. Adjustments were made  6. Carried out inertial test using chi-squared test  Control:  Pilot study was not to include family and sports cars as they are marketed differently and tend to be gender neutral. We increased our ecological validity by carrying out the experiment in different places in Maidstone. We followed most of the ethical guidelines by: ensuring that no participants were harmed physically or psychology and that the results were anonymous. Participants were not given fully-informed consent and were not debriefed as this would be too time consuming, but if a participant was to ask about our study they would have been told the true aim of the study and having their results omitted if they want to.We will accept our null hypothesis and reject our alternative hypothesis because our observed value (1.34) of chi-squared is lower than the critical value(3.841) and this means our results aren’t significant. Therefore the probability of our results being due to chance equal p

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A respond to this article (from the point of graduate student view) Essay

A respond to this article (from the point of graduate student view) - Essay Example An example is the adoption of the changes such as the technology courses, which keeps on improving and changing. On being internally driven, the education system will enable these courses to be taught in the new high education system. The internally driven education system should focus on accommodating new courses, teaching, researching, and implementing the new education systems. Using this approach will enable the education system have a competitive advantage over other education systems in the world. Most notably, student compelled culture seems as the only alternative to the education system. It involves the commitment to everything that that the students may want to pursue on their path to education. With this mindset, this education system will try to use the students’ research to solve the difficult issues in the system. This involves giving enough attention abilities of the students. While students often make good decisions they also suggest much that is neither implementable nor of good use. Thirdly, the education system can benefit profoundly through building bridges, which joins the different forms of education system. There have been many frustrating efforts done to come up with the best education system. However, through the idea of delivering profitable value, the education system can act on both customary systems and the ultramodern system in order to deliver the best quality to its students. This methodology hiatuses some educationist into thinking they have found some kind of balance, but this approach misses the fundamentals in delivering the quality value among the students. In order to be used, there has to be a real definition of quality education in the system. This description will enable the institutions to make meaningful decisions and set the necessary priorities in all the functions and across all the relevant institutions. In order to achieve a quality education

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Biology2.1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Biology2.1 - Essay Example sion of the virus to humans occurs as a result of human contact with an already infected fowl as well as contaminated surfaces (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, par. 13). By definition, transmission is the spread or passing of a contagious infection from one person to another or from a contaminated surface or animal to humans. Contamination is very likely to occur in Asia due to poor hygiene amongst Asians contributed by high population. In these areas therefore, a pandemic is most likely to occur when birds are infected. In laymans terms, a pandemic is an outbreak. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention notes that the mortality or death rate as a result of a Bird Flu infection is between 90-100 per cent in most cases in forty eight hours (par. 3). This virus can pose a global threat if it changes to a form that can enhance or enable its transmission from one human being to another (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, par. 15). Bird Flu replicates through a lytic cycle. Lytic cycle is whereby the virus invades the genetic material of the host animal and subsequently exploit the host cells to reproduce till the cells rupture hence killing them. In comparison, the virus in a lysogenic cycle reproduces without killing the cell (Brooker 379). Once a pathogen, in this case the virus attacks the human, the body reacts through adaptive immunity whereby it is able to identify the virus in case of re-infection and immediately produces antibodies that starts to attack the virus to destroy or kill it. The cells responsible for this process are B-cells and T-cells. T-cells kills the cells infected with the virus and trigger production of cells referred to as interferon that slows down its reproduction (Nathanson 88). To treat viral infections, antiviral drugs to prevent replication of the virus can be administered or drugs to kill the infected cells without killing the host (Nathanson 238). Flu vaccines are made using dead viruses. These dead viruses

Monday, August 26, 2019

CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

CSR - Essay Example This report explores corporate social responsibility in different organizational and national contexts focusing on its six core characteristics, theoretical avenues and the diversity of theoretical concepts in CSR. With a firm foundation and understanding of CSR, the final section focuses on Nike’s current strategic approaches to fulfilling their responsibility to the public. Upon evaluating this, there are recommendations on how Nike could develop their overall CSR strategy for better results. Corporate Social Responsibility, Core Characteristics and Theoretical Avenues Today Due to multiple advancements in technology and the corporate world, CSR is an important facilitator of attaining organizational objectives, and vision for the stakeholders. Nonetheless, there are factors that companies still neglect such as improvement of workers, the public and the external settings of the organization. Definitely, these factors require extended attention since they are among the core determinants of the CSR policies and programs’ success according to the multiple stakeholder orientation and internalizing or managing externalities characteristics. The CSR concept helps an organization have an impact on the external environments and the community overcoming segregation and focusing on the economic bodies; however, the concept works when the societal and virtuous aspects of the corporation are not among the core determinants of CSR development (Agarwal, 2013). Initially, corporations used CSR as a tool for competition with the core objectives revolving around market dominance, extended financial gains and survival over the rest of the competition as opposed to the alignment of social and economic responsibilities concept that integrates profitability and corporate social responsibility. However, through vast studies and debate on the CSR topic, the corporate world has developed with most of the companies focusing on how their business can have significance in the

Writing Journal for the chapters 8&9 Assignment

Writing Journal for the chapters 8 - Assignment Example During renaissance, borrowing was not favored since the stranger the words the more the objection from people (Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 202). III. Adaptation: These are words that entered or still existed in the English language that were used to express new concepts. English did not only adopt new words to express concepts but also used its own word (Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 209). The chapter Renaissance, 1500-1650 describes new factors that added up to the development of English language such as the printing press, education, communication and various forms of self-consciousness about language. As I read through the chapter, several questions arose. They include; a. The authors write, â€Å"Although English, along with the other vernaculars, had attained an established position as the language of popular literature, a strong tradition still sanctioned the use of Latin in all the fields of knowledge.†(Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 190). Why was Latin language favored instead of English language? d. Humanism is a renaissance era intellectual movement. How did they increase the understanding of the world as they studied the culture of Rome and Greece? What was their focus on worldly things and not religious views help? I. â€Å"In the Modern English period, the beginning of which is conveniently placed at 1500, certain of these new conditions come into play, conditions that previously either had not existed at all or were present in only a limited way, and they cause English to develop along somewhat different lines from those that had characterized its history in the Middle Ages.†(Baugh & Cable, 2001, p. 187). II. â€Å"None of the other modern languages of Europe had had to endure the consequences of a foreign conquest that temporarily imposed an outside tongue upon the dominant social class and left the native speech chiefly in the hands of the lower social classes.† (Baugh &

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Stress Level and Academic Performances for Chinese Overseas Research Paper

The Stress Level and Academic Performances for Chinese Overseas Students in Australia - Research Paper Example Using questionnaires and interview as research instruments, the researcher gathered data from Chinese postgraduate students from different kinds of field in University of Western Sydney. Using the questionnaire, the researcher collected data in areas such as the age of participant, gender of participant, the courses studied by participants, extra activities undertaken by participants such as part-time work, how participants spent their leisure among other things. Results obtained from students go a long way to show that most of the students go through stressful activities during the day even aside their studies. Combining studies with such activities therefore worsen their stress level. In the long run, it was revealed students with very high levels of stressful activities performed poorly compared to those who went through normal routines of the day. Introduction Learning is an act that demands so much mental attention and concentration. To this effect, it is almost a requirement th at before learning can take place, the mind (brain) must be in a state of alertness to receive the volumes of new ideas that is being added to it. Sadly though, most students who are the anchor of learning find themselves deprived of the state of alertness that is being discussed here. Such students lose their mental alertness to stress. Quoting Selye (1974 p. 27), Murff (2006) states that stress is a "nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it". This means that stress is a reaction that the body (and more specifically brain) gives towards any act of pressure that is placed on it. Koduah (2008) explains that the pressure that demands the body to respond is often found on the brain. To this effect, stress can be said to be a mental state of tiredness and this tiredness arises because there is so much pressure on the brain. Literally, one would be tempted to think that the only time that the brain is made to work is the time that the brain is being used to think and so it tiredness of the brain results only out of excessive thinking. This assumption is not correct. Rather, the brain is responsible for carrying out 80% of all activities that any part of the body undertakes (Kanner, 1981). This means that apart from activities that demand thinking, in undertaking activities with other parts of our body, it is actually the brain that we are using most. As elucidated by Garret (2001), stress is no respecter of person. Once so much pressure is put on the body, the mind gets tired and stress will sets in. Students have been identified to be one of the worse sufferers of stress (Murff, 2006). This is because apart from the fact that learning itself demands so much mental alertness and puts so much pressure on the brain, students are faced other activities and processes such as adjusting to university life and routines (Ross, Neibling and Heckert, 1999). Some of these activities and processes demand that students make new friends, have regular inter-pe rsonal relationships, work within fixed and at times

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Oreos and Milk, Chinese Style Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oreos and Milk, Chinese Style - Assignment Example The profit of Kraft in European Union and the developing countries grew outpacing the U.S. profit growth. China, being the fourth largest country, and has the highest population estimated to 1,330,141,295 (as of July 2010) gave Kraft Foods an opportunity in introducing Oreo cookies. Although Kraft introduced the top-selling U.S. style Oreo cookies in 1996, it was only in 2006 that Oreo cookies was totally accepted all over the parts of China. The original Oreo cookies presented was too sweet and too expensive for the Chinese consumers. Kraft however, was not discourage to continue introducing and selling the Oreo cookies in China. This made them think that reinventing the Oreo cookies is the only way that the populous country of China would accept Oreo cookies. Several marketing strategies were made to make their product more acceptable to Chinese consumers. In the event of their study, they found out that, first, the Chinese are not accustomed to sweet foods particularly chocolates (most of the Chinese’ food pattern is more on rice-based products, spices, low calorie diet, soy products, and fruits and vegetables), secondly, China is big which is also divided in two regions, the North and the South, wherein, the two regions has two extreme climate condition (Northern part is extremely cold, while the Southern part is tropical), and third, the Chinese are born thrifty (they find Oreo cookies too expensive). Kraft considered other alternatives to make Chinese consumers patronize Oreo cookies. In 1996, Kraft Foods introduced Oreo cookies in China in the form of the original top-selling Oreo cookies of the U.S. However, even a lot of marketing effort has been done, the sales of the Oreo cookies in China remained flat. This statement is supported with my aforementioned discussion in the research. The study is limited to Kraft Food and its marketing strategy in selling Oreo cookies in China. Kraft’s

Friday, August 23, 2019

Acting as if you are hypnotized, Spanos, N.P. (1982) Essay

Acting as if you are hypnotized, Spanos, N.P. (1982) - Essay Example He believes that under hypnosis, a person is highly susceptible to suggestion, performs behaviors involuntarily, exhibits heightened recall of memories, has more vivid imagination, has the ability to dissociate consciousness of certain events from others and a lowered sensitivity to pain. Hypnosis makes one produce thoughts, ideas and behaviors which would not be usually exhibited had the person not been under that hypnotic state. Such a view has been subscribed to by a lot of people who put much faith on the hypnosis phenomenon. Of course, although many can attest to the existence of its evidence in their lives, it is still subject to scientific research to prove it. Without intending to dampen the strong advocacies of hypnosis believers, Nicholas Spanos has disputed this widely accepted view. He claims that hypnotized people are exhibiting behavior which is just like any social behavior, and negates the view that it is involuntary. Rather, consciously or not, it is strategic and goal-oriented. Such behavior is dramatic enough to produce a desired effect. In essence, he says that instead of an altered state of consciousness, hypnosis is a state of increased motivation. People under hypnosis are under the expectation that their behaviors will soon be involuntary as they relinquish control of them and agree to go under the hypnotic trance. However, Spanos argues that the behavior suggested by the person conducting the hypnosis is voluntary at first, and is eventually made to sound more involuntary. Since the hypnotized person is in an increased state of motivation, the suggestion is easily taken and what he hears as a command will seem to him as involuntary. Spanos explains that it is because the person enters the hypnosis with the intention to be controlled by the hypnotist’s suggestions. He also expects that the hypnosis has more power than his own will to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bruce Lee’s Passion in Martial Arts and Entertainment Essay Example for Free

Bruce Lee’s Passion in Martial Arts and Entertainment Essay Bruce Lee is a man who acted upon his destiny and was very famous for all his achievements in America and China. His determination as an actor and martial artist made him a legend throughout the world even though he died from cerebral brain swelling at the age of 32. He is considered to be the â€Å"Greatest Martial Artist of the 20th Century† because his philosophies and insightful teachings have influenced many, including myself. Since Lee was a man who made his dreams a reality he began his film career when he was six years old, brought the art of martial arts and film to America, and he also created his own style of martial arts called Jeet Kune Do. Bruce lee His first screen appearance was at three months old in his fathers movie (Roensch 15-18). This was the beginning, leading to over twenty motion picture roles and steadily increasing popularity among Hong Kong audiences (The Bruce Lee Story 1). Some of the movies he had made were Enter the Dragon, Fists of Fury and The Return of the Dragon. Even though Bruce Lee died so young, he still had the acting experience because he started acting when he was young. What is Jeet Kune Do? Simply put, its English translation is way of the intercepting fist. Bruce studies all types of fighting from American Boxing to Thai Kickboxing. His simple philosophy was rather than block a punch and hit back with two distinct motions, why not intercept and hit in one, fluid stroke. Fluidity was the ideal. Try and obtain a nicely-tied package of water, Bruce would taunt. Just like water, we must keep moving on, Inosanto reitterates. For once water stops, it becomes stagnant. Water, Bruce would always give as an example, is the toughtest thing on Earth. It is virtually indestructable; it is soft, yet it can tear rocks apart. Move like water. Bruce dissected rigid classical disciplines and rebuilt them with fluid, po-mo improvements. Its good but it needs restructuring, he would say. Classical techniques did not take into account the reality of street fighting. Jeet Kune Do did. It was pragmatic, reality-based, empirical- not a bunch of stances, postures and mumbo jumbo handed down from antiquity. Second, he brought the art of martial arts and film to America. The martial arts that he brought influenced many people in the U. S (Roensch 7). He also influenced many other Asians to act these days such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan (Roensch 9). When Bruce Lee auditioned for upcoming movies, he was turned down and was rejected because he was too oriental (The Bruce Lee Story 2 3). Even though he was rejected in American movies, he was still able to make movies in Hong Kong. His goal was to make five movies in Hong Kong but he ended up making four and a half movies because he died during the fifth movie (The Bruce Lee Story 2 3). The movie that he didnt finish was called Game of Death. Bruce Lee practiced the nunchaku with Mr. Dan Inosanto and this also made him famous. The nunchaku is made up of two short wooden or metal rods that are connected by a short chain. Mr. Dan Inosanto was one of Bruce Lees closest friends that taught him the art of the nunchaku (The Bruce Lee Story 2 1-2). Before he made the movies in Hong Kong, he made a series of shows in America called The Green Hornet starring Van Williams and Bruce Lee (The Bruce Lee Story 2 1). Despite popularity, he wanted to be known as an actor rather than a superstar. Bruce Lee had many famous quotes in various movies and interviews. One of them was ? The word ? superstar really turns me off, and Ill tell you why because the word ? star, is an illusion, it is something-what the public calls you. You should look upon [yourself] as an actor. I mean you would be very pleased if somebody said, ? Hey man, youre a super actor! It is much better than ? superstar' (Little 132).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Children or adults that are not listening through general disrespect Essay Example for Free

Children or adults that are not listening through general disrespect Essay If you make eye contact with the adult or child you can draw their attention towards you. Calling out a childs name will make them turn to face you so that you can talk to them. If you lower the tone of your voice and talking in a quiet calm manner, the adult or child would have to concentrate more to try to hear what you are saying and will also help calm an active child down enough to listen to you attentively. Its also an affective method to calm an angry parent who is shouting and doesnt want to hear what you are saying. You could also hold a childs hands so they know its them that you are talking to. You could adapt the surroundings, like taking a parent or child into an office to talk to them. If an adult is angry and is not listening to what you are saying, you could also let them have their say first so that once they have voiced their opinion they will be ready to hear what you have to say. Hearing impairment and speech impediments Using sign language and speaking clearly helps us to communicate with hearing impaired people, they can understand what we are saying through lip reading and the sign language will help emphasis that. If people have speech impediments it is important to allow them plenty of time to speak, rushing them can make them nervous and make the impediment worse or stop them from communicating at all. Using flash cards is also another way of communicating, with children and adults that have hearing and speech problems. (see attachment) Behavioural problems and learning difficulties If a person you are communicating with has behavioural problems or learning difficulties it is important that you are patient with them. Using simple language with people with learning difficulties help them to understand what you are saying. By identifying the problem then trying to understand it, you can find ways in which to adapt your approach to a way that they will understand you. If a child is hyperactive, trying to get them to sit down and hold a conversation will be difficult, but doing it through play is a way to hold their concentration. English not being the first language (ESOL) Using simple vocabulary will improve understanding and using body language and hand gestures help by emphasis what is being said. A good way of communicating with parents/carers that dont use English as a first language is by compiling a multilingual newsletter, where you can put across any information and not have miscommunication. You can also set up a buddy system with adults or children, where there maybe another child who is bilingual that can help translate. Shy or timid people Interacting with adults and children on a one on one basis helps to communicate with introvert people. With adults this could be in the form of a meeting, and with children this can be through play. Circle time is another way of helping shy children talk, asking individuals questions or singing songs. Not getting on with colleagues or dealing with two faced people Holding staff meetings with a unbiased coordinator gives staff a chance to air their grievances and find a possible resolution to them. Team building exercises can also help people get along, through play with children to colleagues being put on a project together. With children you can also reinforce club rules, and with colleagues you can reinforce policies. You can also used role play and read stories, giving children a different view on what they are doing wrong and see how treating their peers bad affects them.   Not making time or effort to communicate Arranging meetings with staff or parents/carers will give enough notice for them to make time for a meeting. With children you can use circle time as an opportunity to have class discussions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Symptoms Of Sick Building Syndrome Construction Essay

Symptoms Of Sick Building Syndrome Construction Essay SBS stands for Sick Building Syndrome. It covers a mixture of symptoms thought to be generated when a student at school spends time in a particular building. The symptoms range from itchy eyes, skin rashes, and nasal allergy symptoms, to more complicated symptoms such as fatigue, pains, and sensitivity to odours. On the other hand, it may be lead to more serious diseases like cancer and pneumonia. SBS was first identified in the 1970s, and its identification at this time because of the increasing number of electronic equipment and other factors. The term SBS is used when a large number of people occupying a particular building develop symptoms associated with their presence in that building. Later on, the symptoms disappear. In most cases sick building syndrome occurs in office buildings, schools and apartment buildings.   SBS is suspected when the following circumstances are present: Symptoms are temporary and associated with time spent in a particular building or place. Symptoms disappear when the individual is not in the building. Symptoms reappear seasonally (heating, cooling). Symptoms and their severity are different from person to person.   The signs and symptoms of a diagnosable illness are easy to identify and can be directed to specific airborne building contaminants. On the other hand, the cause(s) of symptoms in cases of SBS are often difficult to pin down and in many cases different factors may lead to the situation. When a sick building is identified an investigation should be done. Once the causes are identified, corrective measures must be taken to ensure that any adverse reaction exhibited and cause(s) are isolated to make the area safe for the students and school personnel. The prevalence of sick building syndrome is a problem, but statistics are limited. A World Health Organization (WHO) report from 1984 suggested that up to 30% of new and renovated buildings worldwide may generate excessive complaints related to indoor air quality (1). This high rate may be associated with modern mass produced construction materials that tend to off load gas irritating volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). In a U.S. report on office workers questioned at random, 24% reported air quality problems in their work place, and 20% believed this harmed their ability to do their job effectively (2) ( Symptoms of SBS People suffering from SBS present different symptoms, like other conditions such as: Headaches Eye infections and irritations Visual impairment tremors Damage to the central nervous system Running noses and throat irritations Dry coughs Dry, itchy skin and rashes Dizziness and nausea Difficulty in concentrating Fatigue and tiredness Breathing difficulties Pneumonia and chest infections Causes of SBS The mechanism by which a building or anything within the building causes employees to become sick is unknown. Problem areas can be easily identified and curative action taken after an investigation. Causes are listed below: Building design, maintenance Failure of ventilation system Interior design factors Levels of specific pollutants, humidity and temperature Multiple chemicals acting in combination to cause sickness Age of building Type of materials used in building SBS is associated with the presence of certain mechanisms and pollutants. Most of the symptoms appear because of known toxic effects of high levels of certain chemicals. Some symptoms are mainly allergic irritations which could result from various allergens in a building. Other symptoms are suggestive of those really experienced by sufferers of chemical sensitivity and many of the indoor pollutants. Occurs in building with ventilation problems and may occur along with upper respiratory tract infection, Or with direct contact with chemicals, dust and gases. Itchiness, soreness, redness, eye lashes drop and excessive tear production. Headache Tension, prolonged exposure to different irritant substances and long working hours. Pain across the forehead, begins in the back of the head and upper neck as a band-like tightness or pressure and may end with vomiting. Fever Caused by breathing water droplets from humidifiers or from an air filter ventilation system. Or exposure to chemicals that irritate the lungs and cause infection in the lung. Productive cough, aching limbs, headache, tiredness, lethargy and abdominal pain. Skin problems Occurs in exposed areas because of the direct exposure to chemical and different irritant substances like painting materials and products. Rashes, batches, itchy, dry skin and may end with chronic skin inflammation. Stress Physical changes: lack of sleep and new environment. Headaches, digestive disorders, fatigue and lethargy, sleeping disorders, skin disorders and isolation from community. Lung problem Exposure to dust, ventilation problems and chemicals. Cough, breathlessness, may end with lung cancer. Throat Problems Dry mucous membranes, ventilation problems and chemicals. Hoarseness, dry throat pain, recurrent throat infections and chronic Asthma. School Environment Students spend most of their day in the school; its their second house. From that aspect, the school environment should be physically and emotionally safe, well disciplined, and conducive to learning. Safety is an important issue, which may affect the students physically and psychologically from this aspect, and there are important points that should be considered: Structure of the school: School building structures consist of columns, structural walls, beams, floors, and roof structures, which provide their stability. School buildings develop invisible cracks in concrete columns, structural walls, beams and floors. At the beginning, they are not an important issue. With time, the school building moves, creating stresses at joints in materials which ends in small cracks appearing. However, this is the normal process of a structure settling in its foundation. But, with the presence of other factors it makes the issue more serious. The idea is to be able to differentiate. In the event of a major structural problem in a school building, it should be evaluated by a structural engineer, and corrective measures should be made accordingly. Special attention should be made to these aspects: Bending in columns, beams, and roof structure Rotting in wood structural components and floor structure Rusting of metal structural components especially in high humidity weather ROOFING The roof protects the school building from rain, sun, wind, and keeps water from getting into the school building. The waterproofing system should be kept in a proper way. To prevent problems from happening, the roof should be kept in good shape and annually maintained. BUILDING EXTERIOR Using different building materials in school buildings is common nowadays; for example, using fashion blocks in the walls and having exteriors as maintenance free as possible to lower costs. But new school buildings may feature concrete blocks or brick walls even though fashion blocks in some walls are kept. The school buildings exteriors will still need annual maintenance plans to protect the materials. The plan will consider the type and quality of materials used and their current condition. Some school buildings are old, and the exterior may not be quite suitable for a maintenance free plan. The biggest threats to school buildings exteriors are water, sun, wind, and being in areas near the coast. BUILDING INTERIOR The design of the inside of a building is an important issue. Paint maintenance should be paid special attention, because it plays a major roll in preventing the deterioration of the building, and usually cracks are invisible when they start to appear. Also, the paint should be good quality to avoid any irritation reaction. GROUNDS The area around the school is made of concrete, but a pathway may be concrete, brick, stone, asphalt, or even wood. Such materials need good maintenance and must be watched for conditions that may cause major hazards such as slips and falls. Any major hazards should be eliminated through repair, ramping or clearing. Annual checkups and repairs must be done if the condition of the material deteriorates. Classrooms: Healthy classrooms are ones that have adequate ventilation, lighting, an adequate number of students per class, and proper classroom temperature. All previous points which were discussed should be applied properly. Ventilation Proper Ventilation is important to the indoor air quality. Air-conditioning, the type of material used and maintenance also affect indoor air quality in order to optimise performance and prevent students becoming sick. Many factors may affect indoor air quality and contribute to many health problems, the comfort, and the performance of students. Temperature There are many causes of sick building syndrome like uncontrolled temperature (high or low). If there is a wide variation in temperature, it will affect other factors such as the increasing possibility of exposure to fever and throat infections. Therefore, maintaining adequate temperature inside classrooms will allow the students to perform butter. One must make sure that dangerous or offensive fumes are prevented from escaping into the classroom through the heating or cooling system. Humidity Humidity can lead to different problems. It could vary from a simple one to a complicated one. For example, bacteria, fungi, and parasites live in places where humidity is above the normal levels, and they enter the body mainly through the respiratory system, resulting in some kind of respiratory infection. In classrooms, the range of controlled humidity is 40% to 70% in order to increase students effectiveness. The range of relative humidity in warm classrooms should be less than 40%. Therefore, there should be annual checking of controls on a regular basis, and also, checking should cover the cleanliness of equipment for humidifying. Adequate lighting Ensure that there is adequate lighting in the classrooms and whole building to avoid a lot of problems. Surveys by the National Institute of Ophthalmology showed that around 38.8 percent of students at 260 schools in Ho Chi Minh City have refraction problems, short-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism. The ratio in the northern Hai Phong City was 60 percent, while in Hanoi, Da Nang and the central Ha Tinh Province, it ranged from 25 percent to above 30 percent. Doctors attributed the high incidence of weak eyesight to substandard classrooms in terms of size, area and light, as well excessive time spent working with computers Summary To sum up, there are different factors that could affect the school environment, and some of them were discussed above. Some problems can be avoided by early detections and by finding proper solutions to avoid any health problems that arise. If a problem is detected earlier it can be solved during the design step or maybe later in order to maintain a safe school environment. SBS affects productivity, increases the rate of absenteeism, poor concentration and fatigue. It affects the well-being of the students and all school personnel and their performance. All the measures are directed to avoid and reduce the risk factors that affect student health. Task 2 BREEAM BREEAM is a method used internationally to assess a buildings surrounding area. It can be applied to asses both new and old buildings. There are several types of environmental assessment systems in use such as BREEAM, ESRSA, and CEEQUAL. Because it is used in two significant areas of the globe, BRE Global introduced two new geographical schemes that are use by BREEEAM International assessors which are BREEAM Europe and BREEAM Gulf. In addition to these two schemes, the BREEAM In Use and BREEAM Communities schemes are also available for use on international buildings and developments. Since BREEAM is widely used in Europe and as it used in the gulf, the BREEAM Gulf scheme can be used to assess the environmental impacts of any building located in the Gulf region. This will be explained later on in this paper. BREEAM provides designers, planner and others with key factors: It ensures the best environmental practice is included in a building It finds solutions that help to minimise the environmental impact It ensures the use of high standards and regulations It reduces the costs and improves working and living environments It reduces the time needed to finish the work Steps of BREEAM assessment There are two steps in BREEAM which can be used to evaluate the environmental effect secondary to building development: 1. Design Stage (DS) 2. Post-Construction Stage (PCS) Design Stage This step should be done before construction works start. Related information should be available to enable the BREEAM assessor to demonstrate, in a healthy manner, the buildings performance against the reporting and evidential requirements of the technical guidance. The official assessment of DS will be carried out at the detailed design stages. Post-Construction Stage This step starts after construction work has finished. In this step, an evaluation and the BREMM rating are used before building occupation. The post-construction stage is divided into two approaches: 1. A post-construction review of a design-stage assessment 2. A post-construction assessment A post-construction appraisal aims to detect the BREEAM rating achieved at the design stage in accordance with the reporting and evidential requirements of the technical guidance. Where a formal DS assessment has not been carried out and a BREEAM assessment and rating is required, a full PCS assessment can be conducted. BREEAM Gulf BREEAM Gulf has been developed and established in collaboration with a variety of large organisations based in Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The purpose of the system is to bring all the new and used building types in the area into use. The available BREEAM system can be used to evaluate, demonstrate and improve the building environment. The system has been developed in the Gulf region to resemble UK BREEAM system categories; it provides special assessment points in relation to environmental impacts associated with construction in the Gulf region. The BREEAM Gulf system The BREEAM system for the Gulf assessment point areas is as below: Materials Waste Water Management Health and Wellbeing Land Use and Ecology Energy Transport Pollution During the assessment phase within each point from the above table, numbers of credits must be assessed to appraise the performance achieved by the development. This set of points is modified to fit the Gulf regions conditions and climate. They are applied to each point to enable the weighted scores to be added together to produce a single overall score for the building. Then, the score is translated into a 1-5 star rating and the highest level of environmental performance will score 5 stars. Unlike BREEAM in the UK which generally looks at building uses separately, a BREEAM assessment in the Gulf evaluates the performance of a whole building taking into account the different uses that are present (e.g. offices, retail, residential etc.). This approach reflects the construction market in the  region where mixed use buildings are the norm. The assessment, therefore, produces a single score for each assessed building based on an area weighted calculation. Differences with BREEAM in the UK The purpose of BREEAM Gulf is to evaluate the construction industry in the region to achieve and maintain higher levels of sustainability. It also aims to identify local contexts and issues, and with this consideration, all of the codes and standards which should be maintained are described in the guidance.   Figure3: factors affecting indoor environment Appendixes Case study 1 The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has conducted a study about IAQ (Indoor Air Quality). William Blackstone Elementary School was one of three schools selected to pilot EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) Kit and Program in 1999. The school is located in Bostons South End and is one of 120 schools in the Boston Public School System. The school was built in 1975, using the typical design of that time; brick walls, mostly flat roofs, Plexiglas windows, and visible duct work. It has a history of IAQ and health-related problems, specifically high rates of asthma among students. William Blackstone Elementary School was one of three schools selected to pilot EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) Kit and Program in 1999. The school nurse noticed that the asthma rate was higher than the national average of two cases per classroom. Staff were also aware of serious problems with water intrusion during heavy rain, stained and collapsed ceiling tiles, peeling p aint and stains on the walls, rust on support beams, and water damage to equipment and furniture. Problem recognition Problems identified by the checklists and walkthrough included the following: An above-average number of asthma cases and illnesses typically associated with indoor air quality problems (headaches, nausea, etc.). Water damage, such as mold and mildew, missing, stained, and broken ceiling tiles, fungal growth on ceiling tiles, and damaged ceiling and wall plaster. Thermal discomfort, such as widely fluctuating temperatures, too high or too low humidity levels, and cold drafts. Ventilation problems, such as poor air circulation and lack of exhaust fans in some bathrooms. Cleanliness problems, such as dust accumulation around the supply vents and surrounding ceiling tiles, infrequent dusting and vacuuming, and pest problems. So, according to the findings, the IAQ team was formed and they established a meeting to list the causes of the problems and find solutions. Improvements The IAQ team implemented some actions to improve the indoor air quality at Blackstone Elementary School. The EPAs IAQ TfS Kit gave the team the leverage it needed to persuade the school district to improve the environmental problems in the school. Once the Superintendent was informed of the schools IAQ issues and the teams recommendations, Blackstone Elementary was placed on a high-priority list for roof repairs and other renovations. A number of improvements have been done, including roof repairs. There is a plan for installing new energy-efficient lighting and new ceiling tiles. Additionally, carpets will be replaced with tiles in the classrooms. The school nurse started to assess students health and document any new asthma cases over the next year to establish a link between the indoor environment and childrens health. Summary The surrounding environment plays a role in students performance and affects their health directly. This means that attention must be given at some point during design stage or later to avoid unwanted risky problems that may affect students health. Some problems can be detected easily like eye infections, but others like asthma will be treated but its effects are lifelong. Poor ventilation, lighting, humidity and temperature all can produce health problems; therefore, good ventilation, adequate lighting, and proper temperature should be maintained. High performance building features should be incorporated into the design process, and school building systems should be commissioned to ensure that they are operating according to design. Case study 2 Mold in schools is getting a lot of attention at local, state and federal levels, the Houston Chronicle reported in 2002. Wide variations in temperatures and humidity levels in South Texas make it difficult to maintain internal atmospheric conditions to minimise the formation of mold or mildew. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo School Districts Memorial High School, three years after it was established, faced a toxic mold problem that reached crisis stage. There were complaints from teachers, staff and students that some staff and students were becoming ill, and as a result students left the school. As with many schools, the indoor air quality at the school was poor because of high ventilation, the high number of students per classroom, high intermittent ventilation loads and carryover from showers in gyms and locker rooms, and long periods where the building was vacant. There was an increase in heat, humidity, moisture, bad ventilation and filtration. The building had reached a saturation point. Leaks from the roof and windows contributed to the problem, and mold growth. Humidity inside the building was as high as 90 percent. Problem recognition Instability of the weather (uncontrolled hot, humidity, moisture) Bad ventilation and filtration Leaks from roof and window Mold growth Solution Cut off the source of moisture and mold removed Fresh air from outside drawn to the building to regulate ventilation Equipment fixed to supply dry air to the building via temporary desiccant dryers Carpets exchanged for tiles Improvements outcome After three months the desiccant dehumidification system dried the building The school is kept at 45 percent relative humidity and 75 °F temp The mold growth is inhibited. Reduced absenteeism rate among students Conclusion Healthy environments in school settings empower students to learn more and increase their effectiveness. It also helps school personnel to meet their goals in teaching and other work. From the above case study it can be seen that any problem in the school environment affects students health and learning ability. The problem can be easily detected by studying the causes and solving them. Many problems can be avoided by: Choosing a good design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Controlling moisture to prevent mold growth and preventing damage to building materials and systems Maintenance of the roof and windows

Monday, August 19, 2019

Toni Morrisons Sula - Sula and Nel as Soulmates Essay -- Sula Essays

Sula and Nel as Soulmates in Toni Morrison's Sula In examining the two distinct characters of Nel (Wright) Greene and Sula Peace from Toni Morrison's Sula, a unique individual soul emerges from the two women. This soul takes into account good, bad, and gray area qualities. They gray area qualities are needed because, while Nel exhibits more of the stereotypical "good" qualities than Sula, the stereotypes of good and bad don't fit the definition completely. Nel and Sula combined create a type of ying and yang soul, each half including some of the other half. While at times the two women are polar opposites of one another in point of view, they arrive at their opinions with the help of the other. The two characters need each other in order to exist to the extent that they become "two throats and one eye" (Morrison 2167). A physical example of how connected the two girls are is seen when they line up head to head forming a straight, continuous, and complete line (2124). The greatest influence on a growing girl is her mother, and in some cases, like Sula, her grandmother. In order to fully grasp the connection between Nel and Sula, one must examine who and what their mothers were and what traits and beliefs they handed down to their daughters. Nel's mother, Helene, sought to teach her daughter the ways to be a stereotypical "good woman," a supportive wife and a caring mother. As an example to her daughter, Helene took great pleasure in raising Nel and found in her "more comfort and purpose than she had ever hoped to find" in her life (2105). Helene took pride in motherhood and was proudest when someone complemented on how "obedient and polite" Nel was (2105). Helene's embracing of these qualities, an accommodation to the sta... ...; > (accessed on September 9, 2001) Morrison, Toni.   Sula.   New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1973. "Toni Morrison."   Contemporary Authors, Gale Research, 1993; abstracted at <>   (accessed on September 26, 2001) O'Neill, Cynthia.   Goddesses, Heroes and Shamans.   New York: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers Inc., 1994. Pessoni, Michele. â€Å"‘She was laughing at their God.’: Discovering the Goddess Within Sula.† African American Review 29 (1995): 439-451. Rigney, Barbara Hill. The Voices of Toni Morrison. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1991. Rubenstein, Roberta. â€Å"Pariahs and Community.† Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and K. A. Appiah. New York: Amistad Press, Inc., 1993. 126-1 58.   

Essays --

The world that I am growing up in is extremely different than the one that my parents grew up in, and a major reason for that is the advancements of the internet. The internet has gone from an unthinkable luxury to an everyday necessity. This advancement has changed the way we think, work, and act as humans. When thinking about specific ways that the internet has changed the world, the first thing that comes to mind is the way we receive information. Nowadays everything that you need to know is right there at your fingertips. Whether we need answers to history questions or a recipe for dinner tonight, the internet gives it to us. I see this as both a good and a bad thing for our society. I think that it’s good that we always have the necessary information in our hands in case there is a time that we do need some sort of information instantly. We will be able to get that instant information because the internet is right in front of us. However, I think that the more we make the internet available to younger kids, the more those kids will rely on the internet for all of their needs. This is a serious problem because we can’t be sure that the internet will always be there for us to use. What will happen when the internet goes out and nobody can figure out how to fix it? The pe ople that are too reliable on the internet will have problems functioning in real life. That is why the use of internet for kids needs to be monitored for assurance that they can survive without it. Another way that the internet has changed the world is the way that work gets done. I recently watched a movie that showed how the stock market worked before the internet existed. It was amazing to watch the time and focus it took for the stockbrokers to but in th... ...s and are now extremely successful in life. Seeing stories like this throughout the internet is a constant reminder to not give up on your dreams because they can come true. That is also one reason that America is such a powerful and innovative country. It’s because we have people that believe in their dreams and don’t stop until they become successful. Therefore, the internet helps in the success of the American people. No matter if you are an internet junkie or you can’t stand the thought of the internet, there is no denying that the internet has changed the world as we know it. It is up to us as the users of the internet to make sure that it is used for good. Too much of anything is not good for people and that is relatable to the internet. Too much internet can cause bad social habits that become unbreakable and will stunt social development for kids everywhere.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Free Ophelia Essays - Alone in Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays

Ophelia - All alone in Hamlet Within Ophelia's head spins many thoughts after the death of her father. She is inevitably suffering from a nervous breakdown at the hand of her once suitor Hamlet. Ophelia is now alone without, her brother Laertes, Hamlet, her father Polonius, or even a female role model to help her through this time of sadness. During the scene, she struggles with reality and fiction. Is what she saying all lost thoughts about her head, or do they make sense, perfect senses to the outcome of the play. For the most part during this time in her life, Ophelia has no one to tell her, or guide her. As her brother does when he warns her of "Hamlet and the trifling of his favor..." (1, 3, 5), that "His greatness weighed, his will is not his own"(1, 3, 17). She is also at a loss for her father, Polonius' words of wisdom of her relationship with Hamlet; he states, "Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers, not of that dye which their investments show..." (1, 3, 126-127). Nor does she have Hamlet to lean to for advice as when he tells her to "get thee to a nunnery..."(3, 1, 121). Shakespeare never lets on that Ophelia had a mother; this only leaves Queen Gertrude to fill the empty void as a female role model. At one time Polonius tries to convince the King and Queen that the lack of his daughter's love is the cause of Hamlet's madness, in Act two, Scene two. Only a short time later does Gertrude tell Ophelia, "Ophelia, I do wish that your good beauties be the happy cause of Hamlet's wildness. So shall I hope our virtues will bring him to his wonted way again..." (3, 1, 38-41). On the other hand, later in the play Gertrude refuses to see Ophelia, stating, " I will not speak to her " (4, 5, 1) on the first line of Act four, Scene five. Gertrude does not even attempt to change her mind until Horatio reminds her, " T'were good she were spoken with, for she may strew dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds" (4,5,15-16).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Emily Dickinson comparison of Poems Essay

In 1859 Emily Dickinson wrote a poem about death. In 1861 she rewrote that poem with very different imagery making it a lot darker. The poem itself is rather short, only two stanzas. The first stanza is only changed by one word, though its meaning is significant. The second stanza however changes completely, from light and spring like to dark and wintery. There is also significant change in punctuation and additional dashes in the second piece. This is a classic characteristic of Emily Dickinson writing and since she never explained it to anyone before her death we can only take a guess as to what it really means. In the 1859 version she writes, â€Å"Sleep the meek members of the Resurrection†. In the 1861 version it is changed to â€Å"Lie the meek members of the Resurrection-â€Å" . She immediately changes the tone of the poem from being at peace with death and awaiting the resurrection to just being there, not waiting for anything and unaware of what is happening. The w ord â€Å"Lie† completely cancels the notion of Resurrection in the second piece. Further changes in the first stanza are only in use of punctuation and capitalization. Though it is unclear what Dickinson means by it. The ending of the first stanza in the 1859 version says; â€Å"Rafter of satin, And roof of stone.† In the 1861 version she ends with â€Å"Rafter of Satin- and Roof of Stone!† I feel that in the second version she is ending with much more emotion and putting much more emphasis on the location of the deceased. She seems to be much more impatient or irritated. Maybe due to the fact that these â€Å"meek† or humble people are lying in such a nice place that is not only made of white marble, but also covered in satin and stone which in the time of this poem being written would be a symbol of wealth and power. In the 1859 version of the poem, Dickinson personifies death with images from spring. Spring is the time of rebirth and resurrection. It is a part of nature and the natural cycle of things. The person or persons that are dead in the 1859 version were once wise people, â€Å"Ah, what sagacity perished here!† They can no longer hear the babbling of the bees or piping of sweet birds. There is no indication of time or who is dead in this version either. When Dickinson rewrites the poem in 1861, she names the fallen as doges. Doges were chief magistrates in Venice in the very early part of Venetian history. Their Diadems have fallen, meaning their power and dignity, have fallen with death. â€Å"Soundless as dots- on a Disc of Snow-â€Å" Death is personified with images from winter. Winter is the end, dark and cold, with  no sign of rebirth or life. No babbling bees or piping birds in winter, just silence and death. Making the overall tone of the poem a lot darker than the first version. Another major difference you will notice with the two poems is the image of Heaven. In the 1859 version there is no clearly portrayed image of Heaven. â€Å"Light laughs the breeze In her Castle above them-â€Å" The person who has died is â€Å"Safe in their Alabaster Chambers-â€Å" as the world continues on into spring above them. It is again portraying resurrection and rebirth with images from spring time. In the later version however, â€Å"Worlds scoop their Arcs- And Firmaments-row† is clearly describing Heaven in the sky as being where the deceased is, and the world has stopped in winter as if it all ends with death. There is no resurrection, after death you move on and â€Å"Grand go the Years† after you are gone. As you can see these two poems by Emily Dickinson are very much the same yet also very different. Perhaps it is because of personal changes in her life and her beliefs. Maybe it has to do with changing political atmosphere and the start of the civil war. The changes show a difference in belief when it comes to resurrection and rebirth as well as a change in her belief of Heaven. The changes in p unctuation and capitalization show she is more impatient and maybe even more formal in the later version. It seems to me the second writing of the poem is much more emotionally charged than the first.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Unemployment and Welfare

This essay will let you know the different opinions of federal policy issues involving welfare causing conflicting debates between national, state, and local government and how these conflicting issues relate to federalism. Federalism is â€Å"A government system where power and authority are shared by national and states governments, with the ultimate authority derived from the people.With that been said this essay will also describe the history of TANF and discuss debates about the pros and cons of TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families and the problems they are intended to solve or improve and the effectiveness of them both. (Levin-Waldman, 2012). When people think about welfare they normally think of Medicaid, WIA Work Investment Act, WIC Women, Infants, and Children and of course AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children now TANF, and HUD Housing and Urban Development.They tend to view it as the federal government giving away the countries money and the taxpayer’ s hard-earned dollars to people who cannot support themselves. Majority of people do not like the idea regardless of what and some are sympathetic to the poor and think you should help if you can and are financially stable. They may wonder why they cannot support themselves, why do not they work or go to school, why they are having children they cannot take care of. These reasons are among other things are how people see and view welfare in today’s society no matter what.The reasons could vary from a person that lost a spouse, or they could have been laid off or fired from their jobs, or maybe their hours were decreased as there could be many other reasons, but there are programs to help people get back on their feet for example, training seminars, workshops, help with schooling and finding jobs as well as day care assistance, nutritional programs, finding housing and other needs. The welfare reform debate has remained very emotional, because it touches on the most sensitive of societal issues: work, family, sex, abortion, personal responsibility, and community integrity.Welfare reform has become a very important topic in today’s world from fundamental questions about quality of life and how to allocate personal and public responsibilities. We are not sure as a society whether economic security for children is more important than providing clear consequences to parents who fail to play by the rules. We argue whether individual that are not responsible or societal barriers are at the root of welfare dependency.Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the nation's cash assistance program for poor families with children, has not played much of a countercyclical role during the current recession. As unemployment has risen, TANF caseloads nationally have grown much more slowly and state TANF caseloads have not tracked state unemployment growth. Program rules and financing structures limit the responsiveness of TANF in a downturn. As TANF reauth orization is considered, this brief details some relatively small changes that could improve the program's effectiveness in future recessions (Welfare Reform Act of 2011).Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), the signature program of welfare in the United States and the focal point of discussions about reform, was terminated in 1996 with the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. This legislation effectively replaced AFDC, Emergency Assistance, and the JOBS program–and the open-ended federal appropriations that supported them–with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant. In effect, the federal government began turning responsibility for welfare back to the states.Pros- Welfare has the benefit of providing much-needed food, medical care and money to citizens who qualify to receive it. Since taxes fund welfare, it redistributes wealth across the population. Welfare also prevents even further social proble ms by allowing some recipients to maintain their standard of living. For example, unemployed workers who receive an unemployment benefit may be able to keep their homes despite the loss of income, preventing a foreclosure and possible homelessness.Cons- The biggest disadvantage of welfare is its cost to the local governments that administer it. Even with federal funding, states feel the burden of welfare in each annual budget. Welfare may encourage some recipients not to seek work, since a rise in income would disqualify them from receiving free benefits. It is also an opportunity for fraud, which occurs whenever someone supplies false information to receive welfare benefits without truly qualifying

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Beautiful Mind Essay

Living with Schizophrenia â€Å"The mind is indeed a beautiful thing. It is the reason for our ingenuity, artistic originality and maybe even our humanity. What happens however when the mind works against us? When it tricks us into believing that what is not real to be the actual, destroying our sense of being? † (Angelo) We see this played out firsthand in the life of John Forbes Nash Jr. in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind. † The film was directed by Ron Howard and starred Russell Crowe, who plays John Nash, Paul Bettany, who plays Nash’s imaginary friend Charles, and Jennifer Connelly, who plays Nash’s wife Alicia. The movie â€Å"won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. It was also nominated for Best Leading Actor, Best Editing, Best Makeup, and Best Scoreâ€Å" (A Beautiful Mind). â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† â€Å"presents itself as a biography of the flesh-and-blood John Nash. And in fact, it is really only a flashy, sentimental Hollywood movie, inspired by a few particular details of the John Nash story. (Overstreet) This review is accurate in this description, director Ron Howard delivers a brilliant master peace but it is not all fact. For instance, John Nash never had visual hallucinations and he divorced his wife and later remarried. Though it is not an accurate representation, John Forbes Nash, Jr. did suffer from schizophrenia. John Forbes Nash, Jr. , or John Nash as he is referred to in the movie, was born June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia where he was raised. Nash took classes from Bluefield C ollege while still attending Bluefield High School. After graduating from high school in 1945, he enrolled at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on a Westinghouse scholarship, where he studied chemical engineering and chemistry before switching to mathematics. He received both his bachelor's degree and his master's degree in 1948 while at Carnegie Tech. † (John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). The film begins as Nash is attending Princeton University for his postgraduate work in mathematics and writes his thesis on non-cooperative games which he later receives the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. In the movie Nash gets a job at Massachusetts Institution of Technology after graduating from Princeton. It is at MIT where Nash meets his future wife, Alicia, and falls in love with her and she remains his faithful mate even through his maddening episodes of schizophrenia. The film differs from reality in many instances, his love life being one of them. In reality Nash had a trivial relationship with a nurse by the name of Eleanor Stier, they had a son together and named him John David Stier. After the child was born Nash abandoned both of them and went through a homosexual stage, in the mid-1950s he was â€Å"arrested in a Santa Monica restroom on a morals charge related to a homosexual encounter† (John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). This was said to have caused him to lose his job at MIT and caused him to want to get married. Only now is Alicia brought into the picture, a student of his at MIT from El Salvador. John Forbes Nash, Jr. and Alicia Lopez-Harrison de Larde get married in 1957 and two years later Alicia admits John Nash to the mental hospital. In the movie he is tackled by two men and a third, Dr. Rosen, administers a sedative and they haul Nash away in their car, all while students and teachers are watching. Schizophrenia is described as being a â€Å"mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. † (Schizophrenia) Normally it occurs in young adulthood and manifests itself in auditory hallucinations paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, while visual hallucinations are possible they are extremely rare and John Nash Jr. said that he only had auditory hallucinations. The visual manifestations in the movie were only to intrigue the audience and to clarify the sincerity and the reality of the disease. Schizophrenia is a very rare disease, affecting half of one percent of the population of the world and scientists and doctors know little more about it presently than when John Nash was diagnosed. While knowledge of schizophrenia is scarce people have found some useful treatments such as Insulin Shock Therapy and certain medications such as Typical Antipsychotic and the newer Atypical Antipsychotic, we see John Nash undergo the Insulin Shock Therapy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. Insulin Shock Therapy however has been replaced by newer and more effective medications. The Typical Antipsychotics are the pink pills that Nash takes after his hospitalization. He says these medications make it hard for him to focus and he cannot respond to his wife so he stops taking them. This only causes further pain when Nash’s hallucinations all come back. Nash eventually learns how to cope with these hallucinations and just ignores them. In conclusion, the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† is a very inspirational film that fills the audience with we and intrigue as they watch Nash learn to live with schizophrenia and attempt to remain a viable part of society. John Forbes Nash Jr. has influenced economics, mathematics, and physics, he taught at two major universities, he got married, he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and he showed millions that it is possible to do all these things while living with schizophrenia. Works Cited Angelo. â€Å"Beauti ful Mind, A (2001)† MovieFreak. com – The Film Palace. 13 January 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. Overstreet, Jeffrey. A Beautiful Mind (2001)† Rotten Tomatoes. Flixter, Inc. 12 May 2004. Web. 04 March 2010. http://www. rottentomatoes. com/m/beautiful_mind/ â€Å"A Beautiful Mind (Film)† Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/A_Beautiful_Mind_(film) â€Å"John Forbes Nash, Jr. † Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Forbes_Nash,_Jr â€Å"Schizophrenia† Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 01 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Schizophrenia

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Health Conscious Consumer Essay

â€Å"Health means wealth†, once an adage has now become a motto of the major food processing companies in India. And this motto is not a far-fetched perception of the current consumer needs in the Indian foods and beverages market. The Tata Strategic Management Group (TSMG), a management consulting firm has estimated the current worth of the health and wellness foods market in India at INR101.5bn and sees it potentially rising at a compounded annual growth rate of 23% to INR550bn, by 2015. This trend of consumer buying behaviour started with the weight-conscious consumer who looked for products that could aid him in losing weight, which was perceived as the easiest route to healthy living. One of the products leading this trend was the artificial sweetener with Sugarfree and Equal being the major players. But with time, the Indian consumer has evolved from weight-consciousness to health-consciousness and we have seen an uptrend in the sales of products that offer more holistic health benefits. The past decade has seen a plethora of products in this category from all major players in the Indian Foods & Beverages industry. According to the TSMG report, curd or yoghurt, flour, savoury snacks, juices and edible oils are likely to be the top five fastest-growing food categories in India by 2015. Among the savoury snacks market, the biscuits industry is poised for a very steep growth path with companies trying to promote biscuits as a healthy snack. Britannia Industries has recently rebranded itself and used the tagline ‘Swasth Khao, Tan Man Jagao’ or ‘Eat healthy, rejuvenate mind and soul’ to launch NutriChoice, a range of high-fibre, five-grain and naturally spiced biscuits earlier this year. Anuradha Narasimhan, category director, health and wellness, at Britannia Industries says: â€Å"We believe the health and wellness category in India is poised for an explosion.† Indian Branded Breakfast market is worth around Rs 300 crore. In volume terms it is 140000 tonnes. Oats market is worth around 4000 tonnes. After the Kellogg’s foray in to the breakfast market in 1990, Quaker is the only high profile product launch in this segment that might indicate major upheavals in this category. With Pepsi’s Tropicana also rebranding itself as a breakfast juice, the breakfast foods market in India has emerged as an entirely new consumption trend for these products. The branded fruit juice market in India is estimated to be worth Rs 750 crore (nectars, drinks and juices combined) and the segment is growing at about 30 per cent per annum. Big players like Dabur, Pepsi, Godrej and Parle Agro are already in the market and in view of the swift growth in the market, a newcomer like Coca-Cola Minute Maid have come into the market with new products in the recent years. The current Indian market is young – the median age is 25 years – net savvy and health conscious. It seeks an easy route to health rather than a lifestyle change. Eating healthier food is one such easy route. According to a survey conducted, nearly 64% of the consumers were consciously working to eat/drink healthy products. This statistic not only indicates the magnanimity of current market for health conscious products but also depicts the yet untapped potential of 36 % of consumers and the scope of making them health conscious for driving future growth. Health awareness Health awareness is something which the FMCG companies have been taking very seriously. They have been reemphasizing their category point of parity again and again to make the customer aware of the product. According to the survey majority i.e. 48% of the consumers came to know of the brand from the TV advertisements. A surprising statistic which came with it was that the second best method of awareness was Friends and Family which shows word of mouth marketing holds a big chunk in the brand awareness drive of brands. Consumption Pattern Marketers of all major FMCG houses have been taking consumption patterns really seriously. The consumption pattern of consumer determines what expectation does the consumer have with the meal at that time and also at times what preference he might take. The consumers were asked what time did they consume their favourite health-related product. A huge proportion of 76 % in ‘No particular Schedule’ shows the disorganized behaviour right now in the sector. Now, it is how well brands who have already entered the category differentiate itself from the other brands and organize the category well to get maximum benefits out of it. Reasons to Buy The consumers were also asked what are the major criteria they judge a health-related products on. The results shown depict how different reasons lead to preference of one product over other. It can also be considered as parameters which effect the consumers the most in this category. Firstly, a very important insight visible is that only 24 % of the people surveyed pointed out price as their parameter to decide the preferred product. Two-Thirds of the consumers use the specified nutritional value to be the deciding criterion. After establishing a strong footprint in the urban markets, the trend of health-conscious consumers is now moving to tier-II and tier-III cities and to remain competitive in these markets the companies might have to focus on creating competitive price points for their products for sustainable long-term growth in India.

GFP Green fluorescent protein Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GFP Green fluorescent protein - Essay Example Microorganisms can be easily used for genetic tailoring by means of genetic tools to study the modifications in environmental conditions. Reporter genes are tagged with multicoloured fluorescent proteins which aid in identifying the chemical effects prevailing in the environment. The engineered microorganisms are then used for whole cell array set-up on silicon chips and diverse optic fibres to get bioavailability of pollutants which could be correlated with their impact on life (Belkin, 2003). Reporter gene is expressed when it is fused with a promoter target sequences. Thus expression can be observed by the appearance of the reporter gene, in view of the fact that reporter is tagged with the active gene of interest. The promoter is tagged with a marker gene such as GFP, a stable molecule used to identify the phenotype or the genotype of the transformed organism. Luminescence markers: emit light making the selection process easy and simple moreover, they measure the cellular activity swiftly. FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorting) is performed with GFP, YFP and BFP i.e. green, yellow and blue fluorescent proteins respectively. The molecules do not require oxygen for fluorescence (Belkin, 2003). In transgenic organisms GFP molecule is integrated with active gene, expression of gene is observed through green glow under UV radiation. Transgenic organisms of various species such as E coli, C elegans, Drosophila were made to glow by inserting GFP reporter gene. Toxicity of GFP is not observed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism, indicating the safety of the molecule. Small size of GFP makes it ideal for reporter gene or if GFP is tagged at the end of the active gene, it is expressed with the gene once the gene undergoes the process of transcription and translation, however, expression of GFP does not affect the protein; conversely, the protein can be seen as green fluorescence indicating the

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hate Crimes Toward Hispanic Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hate Crimes Toward Hispanic Immigrants - Essay Example One day in December 2008 on his way home from a bar and church party, Jose and his brother were walking along the road with their arms around each other which is a common behavior among the Latino cultures. Suddenly three men appeared yelling in anti Hispanic slurs. While his brother managed to escape, Sucuzhanay was struck on the head by a beer bottle. He was also hit on the head with an aluminum baseball. The attackers kicked and punched him severely. Causing him severe head fractures and extensive brain damage. A few days later Sucuzhanay passed away. When the two men were arrested they were only charged with a second-degree murder and assault. In real sense all hate crimes in America, could face 78 years to life in prison. On November 8, 2008 on Long Island in New York on, Marcelo Lucero, Ecuadorian real estate agent was thoroughly beaten and seriously wounded by seven teenagers who were driving around looking for Mexicans to attack. When the seven young men spotted Lucero, they got out of their car and man bounded him beating and stabbing him severely. When the matter was brought before the courts, the teens were only charged with gang assault. Steve Levy, the County Executive of Suffolk constantly talked against immigrants, including on Lou Dobbs Tonight. The New York Times reported about Lucero's death and hate crimes against Latinos. But all these seemed not to attract much attention. A possible execution in a New York community should be more than enough to force the American people to acknowledge the bitter truth that has overcome Latinos in the days of rage against illegal immigration. The situation began to change when the when republican politicians decided a few years ago to exploit immigration as a wedge issue. They formulated strict legislations to criminalize the events. Prominent personalities and radio talk show hosts latched on to the issue. Substantial efforts in congress to create an overhaul of the immigration system failed again and agai n. The opponents of these efforts wanted only to demonize and punish the Latino workers on which the country now appeared to depend on much. The sudden increase in hate crimes against Hispanics for the past four years is particularly worrying since hate crimes committed against other groups has over the same period decreased drastically (Altschiller, 2005, p.101). This noxious setting, in which horrible rhetoric targets immigrants while the number of hate crimes against Hispanics and people perceived to be immigrants steadily increases, has caused a sharp sense of fear among the communities living in the united states ( Researcher, 2010,84). Certain groups opposed to immigration reform, such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), and Numbers USA, have occasionally claimed that immigrants are responsible for numerous evils in the society. However they have often lacked valid and reliable evidence to support the claims. Even though these groups have tried to present themselves as lawful, advocates against illegal immigration in America, it has been revealed that these organizations have worrying relations with unlawful extremists in the anti-immigration

Monday, August 12, 2019

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1875) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1875) - Term Paper Example This case was and has still remained to be one of the most significant cases that were ever heard in the US Supreme Court: hence, my reason for choosing it. Specifically, this case through its outcome that was controversial led to the civil war outbreak between the northern and southern American states (Konig, Finkelman & Bracey, 2010). The main subject matter in this case is noisy historical and constitutional debates that led to the outbreak of American Civil War and which also propelled Abraham Lincoln to White House as the President of America. His outright opposition of the ruling of the Supreme Court, which galvanized the abolition movement, spurred the resurgence of his political career. Additionally, this case outline the concept of citizenship as being essential in attaining certain matters such suing in a court of law (Greenberg, 2010). For instance, among the reasons why Scott’s case was dropped in the Missouri courts was that him and other slaves were not US citize ns, and as such, could not file petitions in court or sue in any form. In reality, the court acknowledged that slaves could be moved from one state to another without any objection from them. In choosing this case, I have also incorporated another key aspect or question used to define the case, which was whether an African American such as Dred Scott could be part of a political community/movement created by the US citizens in terms of membership (Herda, 2011). While Dred Scott did not out rightly win his freedom through the American court systems, the valiant fight he put up, with the help of his family, friends and lawyers led to the emergence of the Civil War that eventually brought an end to slavery. I find this aspect quite essential and which one can learn from with regards to defining the history of the civil war. Summary of Sources The following articles obtained from the State Historical Society of Missouri have been used in support of this case analysis. 1. Ehrlich, Walter . â€Å"Was the Dred Scott Case Valid?† v. 63, no. 3 (April 1969), pp. 317-328. In this article, the author seeks to redefine the concepts of the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford by unwrapping one of the most dodgy questions have had in their minds: was the case valid? In this article, Ehrlich seeks to determine the case’s genuineness by noting that in delivering the ruling, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney might have taken sides so as to bring a ruling against or for slavery. However, he notes that this was immediately contended with some people disagreeing and regarding the ruling as fictitious. Since these allegations could not be overruled, Ehrlich in this article seeks to verify the same on whether there were any political inspirations behind the oppositions (Ehrlich, 1969). 2. Dred Scott v. Sandford" Great Events from History: North American Series Ed. Frank Northen Magill and John L. Loos. Salem Press, Inc. 1997 6 Nov, 2013 -scott-v-sandford/reference#reference-dred-scott-v-sandford-483926 In this article, the theme concept is to outline the ruling by the Supreme Court in application that the Congress cannot limit slavery into the territories originally recognized for the same. This article brings into limelight the political repercussions that originated from the initial Supreme Court ruling. By not limiting slavery territories, the Supreme Court